Virtual Listening

Virtual Listening, a partipatory sonic experience by Luke Conroy and Anne Fehres, incorporates my contributions in soundscapes and sound design. The project reflects on the ephemeral nature of our digital and connected present through a physical experience in public space.

3D images of Google Earth: Exploring the fleeting nature of Google Earth, reflecting on the changing nature of the environment and the impact of time on memories and identities. This exploration is part of the research and creation.

In this 10-minute experience, the audience will be blindfolded and transported by the artists through the FMR 23 festival site on a specially created vehicle. During this journey the audience will encounter their surroundings via a geolocated narration and soundscape, generated from encounters with Linz in both physical and virtual space. The project will be exhibited in the FMR – Biennal, a festival for art in digital contexts and public spaces which will take place in Linz, Austria, from June 6 to 11, 2023 at the southern harbor district of Linz.

This project is supported by LINZ FMR and Stroom Den Haag


From Here to the Cosmos


Spectral Plain at MU